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Predictive Modeling in Economics (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 897) 1st ed. 2021 Edition eBook PDF

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eBook details
Authors: Songsak Sriboonchitta, Vladik Kreinovich, Woraphon Yamaka
File Size:11  MB
Format: PDF
Length:  445 pages
Publisher: Springer International Publishing;Springer, Year: 2021
Publication Date: 2021
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3030497275
ISBN-13: 9783030497279,9783030497286

SKU: predictive-modeling-in-economics-studies-in-computational-intelligence-897-1st-ed-2021-edition-ebook-pdf Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Predictive Modeling in Economics (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 897) 1st ed. 2021 Edition eBook PDF

This ebook presents both methodological papers on and examples of applying behavioral predictive models to specific economic problems, with a focus on how to take into account people’s behavior when making economic predictions. This is an important issue, since traditional economic models assumed that people make wise economic decisions based on a detailed rational analysis of all the relevant aspects. However, in reality – as Nobel Prize-winning research has shown – people have a limited ability to process information and, as a result, their decisions are not always optimal. Discussing the need for prediction-oriented statistical techniques, since many statistical methods currently used in economics focus more on model fitting and do not always lead to good predictions, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and students interested in the latest results and challenges and for practitioners wanting to learn how to use state-of-the-art techniques.

From the Back Cover

This ebook presents both methodological papers on and examples of applying behavioral predictive models to specific economic problems, with a focus on how to take into account people’s behavior when making economic predictions. This is an important issue, since traditional economic models assumed that people make wise economic decisions based on a detailed rational analysis of all the relevant aspects. However, in reality – as Nobel Prize-winning research has shown – people have a limited ability to process information and, as a result, their decisions are not always optimal. Discussing the need for prediction-oriented statistical techniques, since many statistical methods currently used in economics focus more on model fitting and do not always lead to good predictions, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and students interested in the latest results and challenges and for practitioners wanting to learn how to use state-of-the-art techniques.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook in PDF. No access codes are included.

Predictive Modeling in Economics (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 897) 1st ed. 2021 Edition eBook PDF


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