Design and Analysis of Experiments (8th Edition) eBook PDF
The eighth edition of this best selling text continues to help senior and graduate students in engineering, business, and statistics-as well as working practitioners-to design and analyze experiments for improving the quality, efficiency and performance of working systems.
The eighth edition of Design and Analysis of Experiments maintains its comprehensive coverage by including: new examples, exercises, and problems (including in the areas of biochemistry and biotechnology); new topics and problems in the area of response surface; new topics in nested and split-plot design; and the residual maximum likelihood method is now emphasized throughout the book.
Continuing to place a strong focus on the use of the computer, this edition includes software examples taken from the four most dominant programs in the field: Design-Expert, Minitab, JMP, and SAS.
About the Author
Douglas C. Montgomery, Regents’ Professor of Industrial Engineering and Statistics at Arizona State University, received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, all in engineering. From 1969 to 1984, he was a faculty member of the School of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology; from 1984 to 1988, he was at the University of Washington, where he held the John M. Fluke Distinguished chair of Manufacturing Engineering, was Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Director of the Program in industrial Engineering. He has authored and coauthored many technical papers as well as twelve other books. Dr. Montgomery is a Stewart Medalist of the American Society for Quality, and has also received the Brumbaugh Award, the William G. Hunter Award, and the Shewell Award(twice) from the ASQ.
Design and Analysis of Experiments (8th Edition) eBook PDF
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